Questions and answers about IF Metall conflict with Tesla
These are some frequently asked questions about our conflict with Tesla.

- Why have IF Metall gone on strike?
- What does the strike entail?
- What are the benefits of the collective agreement for Tesla?
- Why are collective agreements so important?
- Why does Tesla not want a collective agreement?
- Why are there sympathy actions from other unions and what does it mean?
- Many customers waiting for the delivery of their cars are at the risk of being disappointed. What is the message to those who will currently not be able to get their new car, or to those who are prevented from getting the right service?
- IF Metall praises the green transition and highlights the importance of new technologies. Doesn't this conflict threaten the necessary transition by attacking one of the companies that really contribute to a sustainable future?
- Why are you targeting Tesla in particular? There are many companies in the industry that do not have collective agreements.
- Big platform companies like Uber and Amazon have refused to sign collective agreements in Sweden. What makes you think you will succeed with Tesla?
- What exactly is the Swedish model?
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You, who are not a member, obstruct and prolong the struggle for your co-workers when they fight to get a collective agreement. A collective agreement that makes working conditions better for your colleagues – but also for you. We welcome you as a member in our trade union and to fight together for a collective agreement and better working conditions. Together we are strong.
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